News → 01212018
德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 Jens Hänisch 博士访问合作
Dr. Jens Hänisch is a group leader in Superconducting Films at KIT Karlsruhe, Germany. After completing his PhD in 2005 at the IFW Dresden and TU Dresden, Germany, he was a postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory before joining the faculty as a Senior Scientist at the IFW Dresden, Germany in 2008. His main research is devoted to application-oriented basic research on preparation of cuprate and Fe-based superconducting films with focus on microstructure-property correlations. Special interests and achievements in pinning improvement in HTS thin films, transport properties of Fe-based superconducting thin films and grain boundaries (GB) and GB networks in cuprate and iron-based high-temperature superconducting thin films. Among the prizes he has received in his career are the Outstanding Postdoctoral Presentation at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Symposium Championing Scientific Carriers (2006), Superconductivity Technology Center Spot Award for Achievements in DoE Coated Conductor Program(2008), and IOP Outstanding Reviewer for Superconductor Science and Technology(2016).